Thursday, July 26, 2012

The New Trend in B2B Advertising Lead Generation | Business 2 ...

advertising lead generation

These three words/phrases are less likely to come together in a single sentence due to the fact that advertising is already closely related to generating leads. So in other words, it is a common misconception that advertising agencies no longer need to get help in search of getting qualified leads.

As a matter of fact, the advertising industry is one of the most ?in need? of assistance when it comes to generating business leads for their firms. Why? One word: Competition.

Competition between advertising firms has been noted to become very fierce. Quality advertising services offer long-term contracts to potential and existing clients. As such, many companies within the industry are hungry, starving even, for qualified, and even pre-qualified leads.

Many companies within the business sector implement their own brand of marketing for their services. Advertising companies use marketing mediums that are in sync with their specialty. Such mediums include the following:

  • Direct mail

  • Print ads/Flier distribution

  • Posters

  • On-line advertisements

  • On-line videos (i.e. Youtube, Vimeo)

  • Mass Media

  • Viral Marketing

Some or most of these methods work; some won?t. It?s just a matter of implementing a trial-and-error period for their b2b marketing. However, these companies don?t really have the luxury of time; especially if most of these methods require them to wait for the leads to come to them. So what they need is a more direct approach for their advertising lead generation campaign.

Today, many advertisers implement the use of cold calling and has now become a trend for generating leads. Though an outbound type of marketing, one can immediately get in touch with their targeted decision makers without having the hassle of waiting an immensely long time to touch base with their targeted markets.

Though a current trend, calling potential clients for advertising firms still require a learning curve that needs to be passed. As such, time is still needed to become an expert at this type of marketing medium. And again, time is not of the essence.

In order to hasten the generation of qualified business leads for advertising, and even shorten out the entire sales process, many companies within the sector will readily outsource their marketing to reputable call centers. Upon doing so, advertising companies can attain the level of expertise they need in a near instance. This negates the fact that the company still has to hire more employees for their marketing campaign and train them for the upcoming endeavor.

Professional telemarketers are known to call hundreds of potential and laser-targeted leads within a single day. Other benefits include cost effectiveness, expertise, and the guidance of a professional marketing analyst.

Advertising companies are advised to take speed into account whenever they start marketing for the generation of qualified leads for their business. Otherwise, competitors are sure to leave them in the dust and leave them hanging within inches of their business? life.


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